Epic failed

Okay, today I'm back with a new entry after the emotional post before lol.So today has been an emotional day for me as well. Remember the thing I've said in my last entry about people were "joking" and stuff about my appearances? Usually, when people said something I would smile and just moved on since I didn't want to cause any problems. So today what happened was I actually replied with sarcastic remarks and right now I felt so bad with my actions. That's one thing about me. Whenever I had this one particular emotional day, I would just say what I wanted to at that moment and ended up feeling so guilty afterwards.The thing about being sarcastic was you would make people around you who didn't involve in the conversation felt uncomfortable too.

So, one of the conversations that I remembered was kinda like this:

"can you easily find shoes"

"oh yes ofc"
"oh so there's a shop for a monster like you"/laughs/
"oh FYI, I'm a human being" /laughs/

Even though, the only sarcastic remark I said in the conversation above was only "I'm a human being" but I actually I said it with the "kerek" tone like what people usually said nowadays and I felt so bad until I can't sleep now.Seriously, I shouldn't have said if I knew beforehand that I couldn't handle the consequences of feeling bad like this.There was a lot of other conversations but I only can remember one.

So, see you in the next post. Goodbye for now. I will try to get some sleep without feeling guilty.

P/s: Can someone suggest me how to be mean when you want to defend yourself but at the same thing not feeling bad about what you just did or, at least, some tips /sobs/